Minutes of the 13th Annual General Meeting
Stan Stewart declared the meeting open at 20.00 BST
Those present:
Stan Stewart – UK, Daryl Holle – USA, Fiona Benson – UK, Rayan Hayder – KSA,
1 – Apologies for Absence
The following apologies for absence were received: Craig Culley, Prof Khalifa.
2 – Chairman’s Welcome Address
The Chairman welcomed all.
3 – Approval of Minutes AGM 2014
The chairman recorded 4 votes for and none against. There were no matters arising from those minutes put forward for discussion.
4 – Chairman’s report
All present confirmed having read the report and there were no comments. Click here to read the Chairman’s report. All present confirmed having read.
5 – Treasurer’s report
The chairman reported 4 votes in favour and 1 abstention. The abstention was from Craig Culley as the treasurer and creator of the report. Click here to read the Treasurers report and access the accounts for the year 2014/2015.
6 – Election of Directors
No applications to serve as a directors were received and as Rayan Hayder, Craig Culley and Daryl Holle are willing to continue they are automatically re-elected unopposed.
Current Directors:
AGM 2015: Rayan Haydar, Craig Culley, Daryl Holle
AGM 2016: Stan Stewart, Hesham Khalifa
AGM 2017: Fiona Benson
7 – The officers for the coming year
The Chairman reported that the current posts will remain unchanged for the coming year.
8 – Any Other Business
The voting form provides all members with the opportunity to put forward any topics they wish to raise for discussion. No member put forward any item for further discussion.
General discussion took place, with there being no further business the chairman declared the meeting closed at 20.40 BST