Ostrich Benchmark Performance Targets
Version 2 – May, 2008
Benchmark Figures are an important management tool in any agriculture sector. A major problem for the development of the ostrich industry is the under realisation of the performance potential of ostrich.
Mainstream production specie has decades of data and millions of production animals every year. The leading companies improve their performance year on year through improving management techniques and technology. Over the past couple of decades, they have not only succeeded in dramatically improving production, they have also succeeded in reducing their costs significantly.
No meaningful Ostrich production records exist, but there is now sufficient experience and knowledge to be able to establish achievable target production figures.
Improvements in performance come as a result of a number of factors working together – Nutrition, Feed Management, Farm Management and Genetics. A failure in any one of these sectors will impact on performance and profitability.
When these factors are correctly in place steady improvements will be seen year on year. These benchmark measurements are achievable goals when the correct management techniques are employed. In time a centralised collection system can be developed, as is now happening amongst members of other agriculture industries, whereby members can provide their data. The database processes that data and publishes the best, average and worst figures. The benefit of this system is enabling producers to measure their performance against industry performance to help improve profitability.