Amendments to Ostrich Meat Trading with the EU
The EU published some important amendments relating to ratite meat importation into the EU earlier this year. You can read on line or download the changes that have been made – in your own language here. The document is entitled: COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) No 166/2014 of 17 February 2014 amending Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 as regards certification requirements for imports into the Union of meat of farmed ratites for human consumption and the entries for Israel and South Africa in the list of third countries or territories.
This is a direct link to the English PDF version, which includes the updated “Model Veterinary Certificate” required for meat of farmed ratites for human consumption (RAT).
Both Israel and South Africa have experienced Avian Influenza outbreaks. The new regulations enable export of meat from approved closed farms. The regulations are extremely strict and designed to minimise risk of infection from the wild bird populations as ratites are farmed outdoors.
Meat from those ostrich farms that are within the 100km range of the coast may not be exported fresh to the EU and must undergo heat treatment prior to exporting.