Interpreting the Trends in Meat Consumption – Other Meats
Newsletter No. 40 – July 2006, Item 2d
Probably better known in the market place as “alternative meats”, Ostrich currently falls into this sector as defined by the FAO.
The important factor in this discussion is the fact that Ostrich, raised correctly, can be produced with similar and in time, maybe even greater efficiency than pig or poultry.
The following graphic illustrates the 2006 distribution of consumption of other meats (Alternative Meats). It can be seen that Europe currently consumes around 30% of this category.
Alternative meats include Venison, Crocodile, Zebra, Wild Boar, Kangaroo, Camel, Horse, Rabbit as well as Ostrich and Emu. All different specie of deer and antelope fall under Venison and includes springbok from South Africa, Elk and Moose from North America and the many different types of deer. Horse and Rabbit meat has been common in some European countries, but are not accepted by all European markets. The venison sourced from wild sources will always be limited in supply. Deer and Antelope are ruminant and not as feed efficient as many monograstric specie.
Ostrich on the other hand is proven under the correct management systems to be extremely feed efficient and a very viable “alternative meat” to supply the volume market. This is particularly beneficial for those unable to eat Pig meat to provide more variety of meat.