Optimising Resources – Alfalfa
Newsletter No. 62 – Item 3
Any discussion on feed ingredients and optimising the use of resources has to include the important role of Alfalfa. At a time when there are concerns regarding world shortages of water, Table 1 shows comparison in water use efficiencies of several crops. The table illustrates how the complete alfalfa plant [100%] provides productive nutrients. Productive ostrich grower/finisher rations contain as much as 40% alfalfa, provided the alfalfa is of the right quality. Quality alfalfa provides a unique blend of nutrients in a highly digestible form, when fed as part of a correctly balanced ration.
Figure 1 demonstrates the deep roots of Alfalfa by comparison to Corn. Alfalfa roots go as deep as 3-5 meters (9-16ft). This ensures that very little irrigation water is lost.The following are a few other areas where the extensive roots of Alfalfa provides environmental benefits:
– Prevents Erosion
– Encourages water infiltration
– Biological activity within the soil
– Improved nutrient cycling
– Improvement in water use efficiency in some following crops
Further benefits of Alfalfa to soil health :
– Reduced Cultivation over grain crops
– Reduced Runoff
– Weed Suppression
– Low Pesticide Use
– Alfalfa ‘Rhuzophere’
– Improved Soil tilth
– Provision of N to subsequent crops
– Reduction in energy needs in food production
– Important part of sustainable cropping systems
– Enriches Wildlife Habitat
– Incredible Insectary
– Help Solves Environment Problems